Michal Praszalowicz:
Standard Model I: QCD


Lectures on Tuesdays, 8:30-10:00, A-2-01 (confirmed)
Problem classes on Wednesdays, 15:15-16:45, A-1-04 (confirmed)

Problem classes will take place on Tuesdays (starting on October 20)
at 1:30 pm in the lecture hall D-2-02 (theory seminar room).
Lectures are shifted to Wednesdays at 3:15 pm, room A-1-04.

Topics, literature and the USOS web page

List of problems for oral examination
Please make individual appointements for exam that will take place on MSTeams. Students have to discuss two out ten above problems.
Each student can propose one problem she/he would like to discuss, and then she/he will be asked to to discuss another problem chosen
by the examiner. Since problems are are rather broad, students are expected to present structured discussion with emphasis on line of thinking,
methodology, physical interpretetion rather than technical details.


  1. 13.10.2020. First lecture Introduction
  2. 21.10.2020. DIS, SU(N), QCD lagrangian, color factors, quark self-energy: intro
  3. 28.10.2020. Quark self-energy, minimal subtraction, renormalization, renormalization group, beta function, running coupling constant
  4. 04.11.2020. Infrared divergencies, evolution equations, axial anomaly.
    notes on anomaly
  5. 10.11.2020. Path integral in QM, Guassian functional integral, transition amplitudes, generating fuctional in QM and for scalar field, Grassmann variables, generating functional for fermions and photons: Landau gauge, covariant gauge.
    Comments to lecture 5: Grassmann determinant, Generating functional and the propagator
  6. 18.11.2020.Chiral symmetry, anomaly function in the framework of functional approach, examples of anomalies, Atiyah-Singer theorem
  7. 25.11.2020.QCD theta term and strong CP problem, topology of gauge fields, instantons in QM, classical action,transition amplitude, energy splitting.
  8. 02.12.2020.Instanton zero mode in QM, instantons in QCD, Bogomolny bound, explicit solution, zero modes, instanton ensemble, chiral symmetry breaking, gluon condensate
  9. 09.12.2020.Gauge fixing in QCD, Faddeev-Popov determinant and ghosts, covariant gauge, axial gauge. Chiral symmetry, parity, conserved charges and currents.
  10. 16.12.2020.QCD currents, commutation relations, mass terms and chiral symmetry breaking, Ward identities, QCD spectrum, spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking, Goldstone bosons.
  11. 22.12.2020.Nonlinear realization of chiral symmetry, effective lagrangian in chiral limit, conserved currents, mass term, Gell-Mann--Okubo mass formula, PCAC.
  12. 13.01.2021.Natural and particle basis in the adjoint SU(2) and SU(3) representation, Gell-Mann, Oakes and Renner relation, pion decay, helicity suppression of pion decay to electron.
  13. 20.01.2021.Goldberger-Treiman relation, higher order lagrangians and loops, linear siga model.
    Heavy quark kinematics and propagator, projection operators, field redefinition, QCD lagranngian for a heavy quark.
  14. 13.01.2021.lecture 14


  1. 14.10.2020. First problem class, problems
  2. 20.10.2020. set 2
  3. 27.10.2020. set 3
    quark self-energy
  4. 03.11.2020. set 4
  5. 11.11.2020. (National Holiday) set 5
    paper by Glueck and Reya
  6. 17.11.2020. set 6
  7. 24.11.2020. set 7
  8. 01.12.2020. set 8
  9. 08.12.2020. set 9
    Euclidean to Minkowski
  10. 15.12.2020. set 10
  11. 12.01.2021. set 11
  12. 19.01.2021. set 12
  13. 26.01.2021. set 13

Mail: Michal Praszalowicz