55. Cracow School of Theoretical Physics

Particles and resonances of the Standard Model and beyond

June 20 - 28, 2015
Zakopane, Poland



  1. Ran BUDNIK (Weizmann Institute of Science)
    Dark matter - experiment (1.pdf) (2.pdf)

  2. Günther DISSERTORI (ETH Zurich)
    Proton-proton collisions at the LHC: experimental results and outlook (1.pdf) (2.pdf) (3.pdf)

  3. Manuel DREES (Bonn University)
    Dark matter - models (1.pdf) (2.pdf)

  4. Simon I. EIDELMAN (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and Novosibirsk State University)
    Experimental progress in studies of heavy quarkonia (.pdf)

  5. Francesco GIACOSA (J. Kochanowski University, Kielce and J. W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)
    Mesons beyond the quark-antiquark picture: glueballs, hybrids, tetraquarks (1.pdf) (2.pdf)

  6. Stanislaw D. GLAZEK (University of Warsaw)
    Asymptotic freedom of gluons in the Fock space (.pdf)

  7. Christophe GROJEAN (ICREA/IFAE, Barcelona and DESY)
    Higgs and New Physics (.pdf)

  8. Wlodek GURYN (BNL)
    Central exclusive particle production in DPE process: search for glueballs etc. (.pdf)

  9. Marek KARLINER (Tel Aviv University)
    (1) Future Higgs and Z^0 factories as discovery machines for new physics below 90 GeV
    (2) Baryons with two heavy quarks and doubly heavy exotics

  10. Jan KALINOWSKI(University of Warsaw)
    SUSY with R-symmetry: confronting EWPO and LHC constraints (.pdf)

  11. Myroslav KAVATSYUK (University of Groningen)
    Hunting for exotic matter with the BESIII (.pdf)

  12. Maria KRAWCZYK(University of Warsaw)
    The Inert Dark Matter (.pdf)

  13. Pawel MOSKAL (Jagiellonian University)
    Search for dark photon and for exotic hadronic matter (.pdf)

  14. Victor PETROV (PNPI St. Petersburg)
    Soliton model for baryons (.pdf)

  15. Antonio PICH (University of Valencia)
    Flavour and electroweak symmetry breaking with extended scalar sectors (1.pdf) (2.pdf) (3.pdf)

  16. Ryszard STROYNOWSKI (Southern Methodist University, Dallas)
    Higgs physics with ATLAS at the LHC (.pdf)

  17. Andrzej SZELC (Yale and University of Manchester)
    Neutrino physics (1.pdf) (2.pdf)

  18. Christopher THOMAS (University of Cambridge)
    Hadron spectroscopy from lattice QCD (.pdf)

  19. Andrzej WERESZCZYNSKI (Jagiellonian University)
    Baryons, nuclei and neutron stars as solitons in perfect fluid model (.pdf)


  1. Andria AGADJANOV (University of Bonn )
    Radiative decays of resonances in lattice QCD (.pdf)

  2. Mohamad Kassem AYOUB (LAL Orsay, Paris)
    Track classification in hadronic tau decay and analysis preparation of the Standard Model H->tau tau signal extraction with LHC-Run2 data in ATLAS collaboration (.pdf)

  3. Viktor BEGUN (Jan Kochanowski Univ., Kielce)
    The impact of the sigma meson on the freeze-out, pion condensation and proton puzzle at the LHC (.pdf)

  4. Neda DARVISHI (University of Warsaw)
    CP violation in the extended Standard Model with a complex singlet (.pdf)

  5. Mateusz DUCH (University of Warsaw)
    A stable Higgs portal with vector dark matter (.pdf)

  6. Daria KAMINSKA (Jagiellonian University)
    Status of lepton charge asymmetry measurement with the KLOE detector (.pdf)

  7. Anna B. KOWALEWSKA (Inst. of Nucl. Phys. Krakow)
    Charged Higgs boson searches in H+ ->tau nu channel in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (.pdf)

  8. Marek LEWICKI (University of Warsaw)
    Constraining new physics with SM effective potential (.pdf)

  9. Sergey SALNIKOV (Budker Inst. of Nucl. Phys.)
    Green function approach to the investigation of the features of hadron cross sections close to nucleon-antinucleon threshold (.pdf)

  10. Dmitri SHEMYAKIN (Novosybirsk University)
    Study of process e+e- -> K+K-π+π- at the VEPP-2000 collider with the CMD-3 detector (.pdf)

  11. Leonardo TINTI (UJK Kielce)
    Latest developments in anisotropic hydrodynamics (.pdf)

  12. Jakub ZAREMBA (Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Krakow)
    Study of hadronic currents, preparation for fits and implementation into TAUOLA MC (.pdf)