- Ran BUDNIK (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Dark matter - experiment (1.pdf) (2.pdf) - Günther DISSERTORI (ETH Zurich)
Proton-proton collisions at the LHC: experimental results and outlook (1.pdf) (2.pdf) (3.pdf) - Manuel DREES (Bonn University)
Dark matter - models (1.pdf) (2.pdf) - Simon I. EIDELMAN (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics and Novosibirsk State University)
Experimental progress in studies of heavy quarkonia (.pdf) - Francesco GIACOSA (J. Kochanowski University, Kielce and
J. W. Goethe University, Frankfurt)
Mesons beyond the quark-antiquark picture: glueballs, hybrids, tetraquarks (1.pdf) (2.pdf) - Stanislaw D. GLAZEK (University of Warsaw)
Asymptotic freedom of gluons in the Fock space (.pdf) - Christophe GROJEAN (ICREA/IFAE, Barcelona and DESY)
Higgs and New Physics (.pdf) - Wlodek GURYN (BNL)
Central exclusive particle production in DPE process: search for glueballs etc. (.pdf) - Marek KARLINER (Tel Aviv University)
(1) Future Higgs and Z^0 factories as discovery machines for new physics below 90 GeV
(2) Baryons with two heavy quarks and doubly heavy exotics (.pdf) - Jan KALINOWSKI(University of Warsaw)
SUSY with R-symmetry: confronting EWPO and LHC constraints (.pdf) - Myroslav KAVATSYUK (University of Groningen)
Hunting for exotic matter with the BESIII (.pdf) - Maria KRAWCZYK(University of Warsaw)
The Inert Dark Matter (.pdf) - Pawel MOSKAL (Jagiellonian University)
Search for dark photon and for exotic hadronic matter (.pdf) - Victor PETROV (PNPI St. Petersburg)
Soliton model for baryons (.pdf) - Antonio PICH (University of Valencia)
Flavour and electroweak symmetry breaking with extended scalar sectors (1.pdf) (2.pdf) (3.pdf) - Ryszard STROYNOWSKI (Southern Methodist University, Dallas)
Higgs physics with ATLAS at the LHC (.pdf) - Andrzej SZELC (Yale and University of Manchester)
Neutrino physics (1.pdf) (2.pdf) - Christopher THOMAS (University of Cambridge)
Hadron spectroscopy from lattice QCD (.pdf) - Andrzej WERESZCZYNSKI (Jagiellonian University)
Baryons, nuclei and neutron stars as solitons in perfect fluid model (.pdf)
- Andria AGADJANOV (University of Bonn )
Radiative decays of resonances in lattice QCD (.pdf) - Mohamad Kassem AYOUB (LAL Orsay, Paris)
Track classification in hadronic tau decay and analysis preparation of the Standard Model H->tau tau signal extraction with LHC-Run2 data in ATLAS collaboration (.pdf) - Viktor BEGUN (Jan Kochanowski Univ., Kielce)
The impact of the sigma meson on the freeze-out, pion condensation and proton puzzle at the LHC (.pdf) - Neda DARVISHI (University of Warsaw)
CP violation in the extended Standard Model with a complex singlet (.pdf) - Mateusz DUCH (University of Warsaw)
A stable Higgs portal with vector dark matter (.pdf) - Daria KAMINSKA (Jagiellonian University)
Status of lepton charge asymmetry measurement with the KLOE detector (.pdf) - Anna B. KOWALEWSKA (Inst. of Nucl. Phys. Krakow)
Charged Higgs boson searches in H+ ->tau nu channel in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC (.pdf) - Marek LEWICKI (University of Warsaw)
Constraining new physics with SM effective potential (.pdf) - Sergey SALNIKOV (Budker Inst. of Nucl. Phys.)
Green function approach to the investigation of the features of hadron cross sections close to nucleon-antinucleon threshold (.pdf) - Dmitri SHEMYAKIN (Novosybirsk University)
Study of process e+e- -> K+K-π+π- at the VEPP-2000 collider with the CMD-3 detector (.pdf) - Leonardo TINTI (UJK Kielce)
Latest developments in anisotropic hydrodynamics (.pdf) - Jakub ZAREMBA (Inst. of Nuclear Physics, Krakow)
Study of hadronic currents, preparation for fits and implementation into TAUOLA MC (.pdf)