Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej,
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
Date |
Topic |
Root/C++ or use PyRoot |
Datasets/Tutorials |
Python + Anaconda |
Datasets/Tutorials |
and Data Analysis |
10.10.2024 | Introduction-labs StatAnal_labs-lecture-1.txt |
Scripts in
Cranmer, Statistics and Data Science |
17.10.2024 | StatAnal_labs-lecture-2.txt | ||||||
24.10.2024 | StatAnal_labs-lecture-3.txt |
31.10.2024 |
Canceled (Rector's hours) |
7.11.2024 | StatAnal_labs-lecture-4.txt | ||||||
14.11-5.12.2024 |
StatAnal-project: select one from suggested topics or propose your own. |
tools: RooFit, RooStats and HistFactory LHCStatAnal-labs-4-Root follow exercises there 2) Interval Estimation and Hypotheses Testing by T. Dorigo, IN2P3 School on Statistics, 2018 slides follow exercises there 3) Higgs signal at LHC by I. van Vulpen, Terascale Statistics School, DESY 2018 slides and exercises DesyCode2018.tgz follow exercises there |
1) Folow examples in: Asia-Europe Pacific School 2022 lectures+hands-on by N. Berger Practical Statistics-1 Practical-Statistics-2 Practical-Statistics-3 2) Try out PYHF tool on exercises proposed for Rootfit/Roostats PYHF: python based fitting/limit-setting/interval estimation
techniques and Machine Learning |
12.12.2024 - 9.01.2025 |
select one from suggested topics or propose your own. |
BDTs and TMVA by I. Coadou, IN2P3 School on Statistics, 2018 slides Apply.C Train.C dataSchachbrett.root follow exercises there 2) Unfolding RooUnfold slides follow exercises there 3) Analysis of ATLAS open data with MV or ML methods 4) Analysis with MVA methods by N. Chanon (ETH Zurich, 2012) |
Analysis of ATLAS open data BDT example for H->4l infofile.py 2)Unfolding with Gaussian processes: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1811.01242.pdf https://github.com/adambozson/gp-unfold 3) Follow hands-on examples/course https://jduarte.physics.ucsd.edu/phys139_239/README.html |
Modeling, Simulation and Monte Carlo Methods |
16.01.2025 -30.01.2025 |
PhysModelandMC-project: |
Rewrite it into Root/C++
example or other one from Root tutorial Assignment_MC_without_code.ipynb |
Assignment_MC_without_code.ipynb |
Ostatnia modyfikacja: 7 October 2024