ZdjęcieZakopane, 10 października 2013

AnnouncementKrakow, September 26, 2013
Dear Participants,Important final notes concerning the Conference in Zakopane:
- In accordance with the tradition of our Conference, all posters (almost 50) have been accepted for presentation on Tuesday 8/10/2013, (and possibly) on Thursday 10/10/2013, on a board of the size 80 cm x 120 cm.
- The bus from Kraków to Zakopane will be leaving at 3 p.m. from 4 Reymonta St. (Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, PL-30-059 Kraków).
- The persons paying at the registration desk can only do so by paying in cash. We remind that everybody pays the fee, including the Organizers. We are still slightly in red. Note that Ph.D. students get a similar treatment as the regular participants, even though their fee is about 40% lower. This is a matter of principle to us.
The Conference Proceedings will be published in Acta Phys. Polonica A
in the March/April issue in 2014. The deadline for submitting papers is 20 December 2013.
The length of the papers in the two-column version:
contributed papers – up to 4 pages
invited/plenary papers – up to 10 pages
The paper template will be available on our web page. - Participants arriving later and/or leaving earlier are kindly asked to provide us with that information via email. This is also because out of 130 reserved places/rooms, 129 places are taken! We have 49 professors, 40 Ph.D. students, about 35 researchers, and 5 accompanying persons registered already. Hence, we are fully booked up :). Some people will be accommodated in the neighboring building, next to the lecture hall.
The Organizers
AnnouncementKrakow, September 02, 2013
This message is to let you know that the Conference web page has been updated: - The conference fees have been specified both in PLN (for the Polish participans) and EUR (for remaining participants).
- IMPORTANT NOTICE: The reduced fee must be paid by September 10, 2013 by the bank transfer to the accounts: http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/ztms/eng/fees.php http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/ztms/pl/fees.php - for the Polish participants
- The fee paid at the conference desk can be paid in cash only.
- Abstracts are due by September 10 as well. All the material: abstract, presentation, poster and the manuscript, should be prepared and presented in English.
- Please send the abstract as two separate files: the source and pdf files.
- The notification about poster/oral presentations will be sent around September 15. Some invited talks will be selected from the contributed abstracts. There will be 2-3 sessions with the talks by the youngest participants.
- The conference begins on October 7 at 8 p.m. with an inaugural lecture, and ends on October 12 at lunchtime. Conference buses will leave Krakow at 3 p.m. (the first) and at 4 p.m. (the final) on October 7, from the Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, Reymonta 4. There will be diner at 6.30 p.m., after arrival and registering. The bus trip takes about 2 hours (100 km). The map and the route to the conference site will be added shortly. There will be a special bus back from Zakopane to Krakow on October 12.
- The plenary/invited speakers are strongly advised to submit title/abstract of their talks also by September 10. This is particularly important, since the program must be completed during the following week. The late deadline for abstract submission is caused by our wish that the authors present their latest results.
- The program will be mailed electronically around September 20.
- We remind: everybody, including the Conference Organizers and the Committee Members, should pay the fee and register. The fee covers practically everything for everybody, also for those who paid a reduced fee (students).
- The invited speakers leaving earlier will be transported from Zakopane to Krakow Balice Airport on an individual basis.
Hope to see you in Krakow/Zakopane in good spirits :)
Jozef Spalek – Conference chairman
Danuta Goc-Jaglo - Conference secretary
Ogłoszenie nr 2 Krakow, maj 2013

Ogłoszenie nr 1 Krakow, grudzień 2012
XVI Krajowa Konferencja Nadprzewodnictwa: Niekonwencjonalne Nadprzewodnictwo i Silnie Skorelowane Układy Elektronowe
Szanowni Państwo,
XVI Krajowa Konferencja Nadprzewodnictwa: Niekonwencjonalne Nadprzewodnictwo i Układy Silnie Skorelowane, organizowana przez IF UJ oraz WFIS AGH, odbędzie się w dniach 7-12 października 2013, w Zakopanem, w Domu Wypoczynkowym Geovita. Tradycyjnie składać się będzie z referatów zaproszonych, komunikatów ustnych (głównie przez młodych naukowców) i posterów. Dodatkowo, w pierwszych dwóch dniach konferencji referaty wygłoszą m. in. znakomici wykładowcy zagraniczni. Nadmieniamy, iż planujemy, że wybrane prace opublikowane będą w specjalnym numerze w Philosophical Magazine B, po uprzedniej recenzji wydawniczej.
Głównym celem konferencji jest podsumowanie znaczących polskich osiągnieć doświadczalnych i teoretycznych w zakresie nadprzewodnictwa wysokotemperaturowego, ciężkofermionowego oraz w związkach żelaza. Dodatkowo, oczekujemy na prace w zakresie tematyki układów silnie skorelowanych makro i nano, które są powiązane z unikalnym charakterem własności tych układów. Inne ciekawe propozycje są także mile widziane. Serdecznie zapraszamy do czynnego udziału w naszej konferencji.
- Orientacyjna cena (z zakwaterowaniem i pełnym wyżywieniem) około 1 600 zł
- Strona konferencyjna (w trakcie tworzenia): http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/ztms/pl/conference.php
- Email kontaktowy: condensed.matter@uj.edu.pl
Życzymy Państwu Pomyślności w Nowym Roku, także zgłoszenia świetnych referatów na naszą konferencję :)
Komitet Organizacyjny
XVI Krajowa Konferencja Nadprzewodnictwa