English Polski

Sierpień 2014

Dear Colleagues,

Our Conference, organized by the Faculty of Physics, Astronomy, and Applied Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University, will take place on September 22-26, 2014 at the GEOVITA Conference Center in Zakopane. There will be 60'-lectures of invited speakers, 30'-oral presentations (mostly by the young scientists) and a poster session. Additionally, during the first two days of the conference, lectures will be given by distinguished Polish and foreign lecturers. The main aim of our conference is to provide a discussion in a relaxed atmosphere of the title topics. Additionally, we expect presentations in the fields of strongly correlated macro- and nano-systems, connected with their unique properties. Other interesting proposals are welcome. Everybody is invited to participate actively in our conference.

The fee can be paid either by bank transfer (to the account number listed on our web page) or by cash (only!) upon arrival:
  • Fee: including accommodation, boarding, conference dinner, and bus transport from and to Kraków - EUR 350 (1400 PLN);
  • student fee - EUR 250 (1000 PLN);
  • Fee for accompanying person - EUR 200 (800 PLN).
The details: registration, title of your contribution/lecture, and a brief abstract, all can be submitted via our web page:
(the Polish version: http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/ztms/pl/conference.php)
E-mail: condensed.matter@uj.edu.pl
Registration deadline: September 10, 2014.

We plan also a mini-series of popular lectures by distinguished lectures on magnetic excitations, Hubbard and Anderson-lattice models, renormalization group, Dirac equation and the spin from it, pairing between nucleons, among others. You are welcome to propose an interesting lecture.

The bus to the conference site (GEOVITA Conference Center, 34-500 Zakopane, Wierchowa street 4) will leave from the Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University, Reymonta street 4, 30 059 Kraków, at 3 p.m. on September 22, 2014. The return bus to Kraków will leave Zakopane at around 2 p.m. on September 26.

Józef Spałek, Conference Chairman

Pierwsze ogłoszenie (poster)
Krakow, 17 lipca 2014
