64. Cracow School of Theoretical Physics



Before registerring please read carefully the information below:

  1. This is an advanced School and it is assumed that all participants are involved in a research related to the main topics of the School.
  2. Young researchers (before Ph.D. or postdocs up to four years after Ph.D.) are kindly requested to provide a recommendation letter (an e-mail to zakopane[at]th.if.uj.edu.pl will be sufficient) from a senior scientist.
  3. Young scientists are encouraged to present a 20 min. talk at the young researchers session. If you want to give a talk please enter the details in the registration form. The selection committee will inform the successful applicants at the end of May, 2024.
  4. While registerring please select accommodation type (single or double room) and the dates. The organizers will book a hotel accordingly. Accommodation costs are to be paid by participants directly at the hotel upon arrival (this does not apply to invited lecturers), NOT BY THE BANK TRSANSFER WITH THE CONFERENCE FEE.
  5. The approximate cost of accommodation including full board for the duration of the entire School is 2800 PLN for a single room and 2500 PLN for a double room. Please note that during registration you can choose your own accommodation and stay in another hotel of your choice.
  6. As the number of single rooms is limited, we kindly ask you to choose double room accommodation indicating a room mate, if possible. Participants insisting on a single room may be accommodated in nearby hotels within a 10-15 min. walk from the conference venue. However, the hotel costs will be certainly higher.
  7. After receiving information that your registration has been accepted please pay the conference fee.
    Do not pay the the fee before the acceptance!
  8. We cannot waive the conference fee at this time, and the full fee must be paid even if you will not stay for the entire duration of the School.
  9. The conference fee can be paid by the bank transfer only (transfer charges should be paid by the participants) - no cash payments are accepted. Participants paying the conference fee are kindly requested to provide full details of whom the invoice is to be issued to (the relevant field is in the registration form). Registration fee should be paid to the following accounts:

    IBAN: PL07124047221111000048559692 ammount 1200 PLN

    IBAN: PL04124022941978001070722467 ammount EUR 280


    Account holder: Jagiellonian University

    Title: CRACOW SCHOOL [first and second name of the participant]
  10. If you are sure that this School is for you and have all the necessary details: dates and type of accommodation, roommate's name, invoice details for the conference fee and possibly details of the proposed lecture, register through the indico website.