Wydział Fizyki, Astronomii i Informatyki Stosowanej,
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie
Rok akademicki
Data |
Seminar topic |
Material for reading |
5.10.2021 | Introduction |
12.10.2021 |
Accelerators for particle physics |
H. Burkhardt, chapter 7 in book PDG2020-rev-accel-phys-colliders |
19.10.2021 |
Detectors for particle physics Data analysis |
J. Engelfried, chapter 6 in book PDG2020-rev-passage-particles-matter PDG2020-rev-passage-detectors-accel G. Dissertori, chapter 4 in book |
26.10.2021 |
Weak Neutral Currents in e+e− Collisions at √s=29 GeV,alpha_QED, alpha_S measurements,
g_mu-2 measurement
PhysRevLett.51.1941 arXiv:1506.05407 PDG2020-rev-standard-model PDG2020-rev-conservation-law |
2.11.2021 |
Godziny dziekańskie |
9.11.2021 |
Electron-proton elastic,
inelastic and deep inelastic scattering |
PhysRev.139.B458 PhysRevD.8.63 PhysRevD.49.5671 PhysRevD.48.29 PhysRevLett.23.935 PDG2020rev-g-2-muon-anom-mag-moment |
16.11.2021 |
Jets and QCD Exotics hadrons (MSTeams, godz 7.30-9.30) |
arXiv:1012.2288 PDG2020-rev-quark-model Tetraquarks at LHCb |
23.11.2021 |
Physics at LEP: 3 neutrino families (MSTeams, godz 7.30-9.30) |
30 years after first LEP physics |
30.11.2021 |
physics (sem. prowadzi dr M. Misiaszek) |
7.12.2021 |
physics (sem. prowadzi dr M. Misiaszek) |
14.12.2021 | Physics at LEP: Precision measurements at
Z resonance V-A interactions |
arXiv:hep-ex/0509008 arXiv:2012.11642 PhysRevLett.106.041804 Tau21: Muon g-2 and delta alpha Phys. Rev. D102 (2020) 033002 |
21.12.2021 | Flavour physics (on-line, zarzadzenie JM Rektora) |
TASI lectures on flavor physics |
4.01.2022 |
Electroweak symmetry breaking (on-line, zarzadzenie JM Rektora) |
PDG2020-rev-higgs-boson |
11.01.2022 |
Physics at LHC: Atlas analysis | Select from ATLAS Physics briefing |
18.01.2022 |
Physics at LHC: Atlas analysis | Select from ATLAS Physics briefing |
25.01.2022 |
Physics at LHC: Atlas analysis (on-line, zarzadzenie p. Dziekan) |
Select from ATLAS Physics briefing |
Books (in english):
M. Thomson, Modern
Particle Physics
to Elementary
F. Halzen and A. D. Martin, Quarks
and Leptons
W. Riegler, Particle
Physics Instrumentation
On-line (in english)
V. Chiocia, G. Dissertori and
T. Gehrmann, Phenomenology
of Particle Physics
N. Cottingham, D. E. Greenwood,
An Introduction to the Standard Model of
Particle Physics
J. Hauptman, Particle
Physics Experiments at High Energy Colliders
R. K. Bock, A. Vasilescu, The
Particle Detector Brief Book
C. Grupen, I.Buvat, Handbook
of particle Detection and Imaging
Books (in
D. Perkins,
Wstęp do fizyki wysokich energii
Ostatnia modyfikacja: 30 wrzesien 2021