The Symposium starts on the 22nd of September 2014 and will take place in the holiday centre "Bankowiec" in Zakopane.
On the 22nd of September, there will be a transportation from Krakow to Zakopane.
The bus will depart from the Institute of Physics (Reymonta 4) at 4.00 PM.
On arrival to Zakopane we invite all our Guests and Participants to a get-together party in the Bankowiec Hotel (location site of the Smoluchowski Symposium).
Looking forward to meeting you soon.
The Symposium ends on 26th of September. After a lunch there will be a return bus to Krakow.
Additional Travel Tips
From Krakow to Zakopane
If you do not want to use the conference bus you might consider a regular bus services to Zakopane. You will need less than 1 hr to reach the bus terminal (see below), and approximately 2.5 hrs to get to Zakopane by bus. There are many buses to Zakopane. For most recent time-table please consult the timetable of the bus terminal (click on "Krakow departures", in a pop-up window check "Z MDA Krakow" (meaning from Krakow Bus Terminal), chose Zakopane in the dialog box, chose day (Dzien, note that September is Wrzesien in Polish) and hour (Godzina) and press Szukaj, meaning search.
After arriving in Zakopane take a taxi to "Bankowiec", ul. Bulwary Slowackiego 14. You can also walk.
From Krakow airport to the Institute of Physics, 4 Reymonta str.
If you arrive in Krakow early enough take bus #292 and get off at the AGH bus stop or take bus #208 and get off at the Czarnowiejska bus stop. More information on regular bus connections from the Krakow airport can be found here.
It will be possible to leave luggage in the Institute of Physics.
Tickets for trams and buses can be purchased in kiosks at the airport upper level or directly from the driver (with small surcharge) or in vending machines (choose option: agglomeration ticket).
Weather in Zakopane
Typically weather in Zakopane is rather unstable this time of the year. One can expect both high temperatures and Sun and heavy rains or even snow. Check local weather at Note that Tatra Mountains are of Alpine character and hiking requires good hiking or trecking boots. Warm jacket is also required.