
See the titles and abstracts section if you wish to access abstracts of the talks.
Download a pdf version of the programme and book of abstracts.

Monday, September 22
4.00 PM Departure of the bus from Krakow to Zakopane. The bus will depart from the Institute of Physics (Reymonta 4). The travel takes around 2 hours.
2000 Get-together Party
Tuesday, September 23
800-900 Breakfast
850-845 Opening address
900-930 Constantino Tsallis Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics for complex systems -- Foundations and illustrations
930-1000 Grzegorz Wilk Quasi-power law ensembles
1000-1030 Georg Gottwald On anomalous diffusion in spatially extended systems
1030-1100 Coffee
1100-1130 Hyunggyu Park Entropy production and fluctuation theorems with odd-parity variables
1130-1200 M. Howard Lee On the unattainability of the zero of temperature and BEC
1200-1230 Erica de Mello Silva Recurrence relations method and collective behavior of quasiparticles in a two-dimensional relativistic electron gas
1300-1400 Lunch
1500-1530 Maciej A. Nowak Random matrix theory as a theory of probability
1530-1600 Piotr Garbaczewski Nonlocally-induced random motions and their equilibria
1600-1630 Władysław Adam Majewski Why are Orlicz spaces useful for statistical physics?
1630-1700 Coffee
1700-1720 Franco Ferrari Polymer knots and links: Some analytical, numerical and experimental results
1900 Dinner
Wednesday, September 24
800-900 Breakfast
900-930 Henrik Flyvbjerg Optimal estimation of diffusion coefficients from single-particle trajectories
930-1000 Eldad Kepten From DNA to galaxies - stochastic analysis explains chromatin dynamics
1000-1030 Gerald Kneller Modeling anomalous transport in biological media
1030-1100 Coffee
1100-1130 Alfio Borzi A Fokker-Planck strategy to control stochastic processes
1130-1150 Janusz Gajda Anomalous diffusion with transient subordinators
1150-1220 Krzysztof Burnecki ARFIMA as a universal model for subdiffusion in living cells
1220-1240 Jakub Ślęzak On interpretation of ARMA and ARFIMA models
1300-1400 Lunch
1600-1800 Poster session
1900 Banquet
Thursday, September 25
800-900 Breakfast
900-930 Sergey Bezrukov The notion of entropy potential in transport problems: Limits of applicability
930-1000 Marta Pasenkiewicz-Gierula Oxygen diffusion across phospholipid membranes loaded with cholesterol -- a computer modelling study
1000-1030 Michał Kurzyński Maxwell's demons, protein molecular machines, and information in biophysics
1030-1100 Coffee
1100-1130 Danuta Makowiec Temporal increment distributions of RR-intervals reveal dynamics of cardiac regulation in head-up tilt test
1130-1200 Jan Jacek Żebrowski Time irreversibility and mutifractality of heart rate variability in aortic valve stenosis
1200-1230 Zbigniew Struzik The other kingdom - non-Gaussian statistics in living complex systems
1300-1400 Lunch
1500-1530 Lutz Schimansky-Geier Self-organized escape processes in nonlinear potetials
1530-1600 J. Miguel Rubi Entropic electrokinetics in confined systems
1600-1630 Fernando A. Oliveira Upper critical dimension, Galilean invariance, and exact solution for the etching model
1630-1700 Coffee
1730-1730 Andrzej Fuliński Anomalous Brownian motions: symmetry breaking, power spectra and all that
1730-1800 Paulo H. Lana Martins Probability distribution function of the order parameter: Mixing fields and universality
1800-1830 Aleksander Dubkov Steady-state correlation characteristics of Brownian and Lévy diffusion in different potential profiles
1900 Dinner
Friday, September 26
800-900 Breakfast
900-930 Krzysztof Kułakowski Emerging communities in networks - a flow of ties
930-1000 Celia Anteneodo Unraveling people interactivity by means of electoral vote
1000-1030 Bartłomiej Dybiec Social hierarchies: development and maintenance
1030-1100 Coffee
1100-1130 Igor Sokolov Anomalous diffusion on fractal structures: Alexander-Orbach relation and its alternatives
1130-1200 Aleksei Chechkin Distributed order diffusion equations: properties, physical background and non-monofractality
1200-1230 Aleksander Weron Algorithms for testing of fractional dynamics
1300-1400 Lunch
14:00 Departure to Krakow

27th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium poster 1 and poster 2.

Ttitles and Abstracts
Location & lodging