64. Cracow School of Theoretical Physics


  1. Jan AMBJØRN mail (Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen and Radboud University, Nijmegen)
    Quantum Geometry: from the ultraviolet to the infrared
  2. Eugenio BIANCHI mail (Institute for Gravitation and the Cosmos, PennState)
    Loop quantum gravity and quantum information
  3. Chris van den BROECK mail (Utrecht University and NIKHEF)
    Probing strong gravity with gravitational waves
    Lensing of gravitational waves: fundamental physics, astrophysics, and cosmology
  4. Marco CIRELLI mail (LPTHE, CNRS and Sorbonne University, Paris)
    Dark Matter: candidates and status of searches
  5. Zoheyr DOCTOR mail (CIERA, Northwestern University, Evanston)
    Gravitational waves and stellar mass black hole mergers
  6. John DONOGHUE mail (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
    Effective field theory and quantum general relativity
  7. Maciej DUNAJSKI mail (DAMTP, University of Cambridge)
    Gravitational instantons, old and new
  8. Gia DVALI mail (Ludwig Maximilians University and Max Planck Institute for Physics, Munich)
  9. Astrid EICHHORN mail (University of Southern Denmark, Odense)
    The asymptotic safety paradigm for quantum gravity and matter
  10. Jose A. FONT mail (University of Valencia)
    Gravitational waves from neutron stars: detection prospects and inferences for two distinct types of remnants
  11. Viatcheslav MUKHANOV mail (Arnold Sommerfeld Center, Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich)
  12. Maulik PARIKH mail (Arizona State University, Phoenix)
  13. Mikhail SHIFMAN mail (University of Minnesota, Minneapolis)
    Soft theorems for sigma models with 2d target space
  14. Raju VENUGOPALAN mail (Brookhaven National Laboratory and Stony Brook University)
    Universal features of 2-> N scattering in QCD and gravity: from amplitudes to shockwaves
  15. Alexander VIKMAN mail (CEICO, FZU-Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague)
    Domain walls and their gravitational waves
  16. Cong ZHANG mail (Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg)