19 P. Kubala, W. Tomczyk, M. Cieśla
18 W. Tomczyk, M. Cieśla
A Festschrift in honour of Professor Lech Longa
17 M. Wątorek, W. Tomczyk, M. Gawłowska, N. Golonka-Afek, A. Żyrkowska,
M. Marona, M. Wnuk, A. Słowik, J. K. Ochab, M. Fafrowicz, T. Marek, P. Oświęcimka
Multifractal organization of EEG signals in Multiple SclerosisM. Marona, M. Wnuk, A. Słowik, J. K. Ochab, M. Fafrowicz, T. Marek, P. Oświęcimka
16 P. Kubala, W. Tomczyk, M. Cieśla
In silico study of liquid crystalline phases formed by bent-shaped molecules with excluded volume type interactions
15 P. Dąbczyński, A. I. Pawłowska, A. M. Majcher-Fitas, O. Stefańczyk,
A. Dłubacz, W. Tomczyk, M. M. Marzec, A. Bernasik, A. Budkowski,
J. Rysz
Extraordinary conduction increase in model conjugated/insulating polymer system induced by surface located electric dipolesA. Dłubacz, W. Tomczyk, M. M. Marzec, A. Bernasik, A. Budkowski,
J. Rysz
14 L. Longa, W. Tomczyk
Twist-bend nematic phase from the Landau-de Gennes perspective 13 W. Tomczyk, L. Longa
Role of molecular bend angle and biaxiality in the stabilization of the twist-bend nematic phase Soft Matter 16, pp. 4350-4357 (Communication)
12 M. Gałązka, E. Juszyńska-Gałązka, A. Bąk, W. Tomczyk
Phase behaviour and dynamics of the liquid crystal 4-ethyl-4'-octylazoxybenzene (4EOB)
11 L. Longa, W. Tomczyk
Twist-bend nematic phase in the presence of molecular chiralityLiq. Cryst. 45, pp. 2074-2085 (Invited Article)
- Among TOP 5 (out of 240) articles nominated for the Luckhurst-Samulski Prize 2018
10 W. Tomczyk
Indication and discussion of flaws in "Properties of binary mixtures derived from hydrogen bonded liquid crystals" by M. Fouzai et al. [J. Mol. Liq. 249 (2018) 1279-1286]J. Mol. Liq. 260, pp. 270-271 (Short Communication)
9 W. Tomczyk
Comments on the published article "Electric field induced transformations and dielectric properties of ferrielectric smectic phase" by T. Soltani et al., Journal of Molecular Liquids, 199 (2014) 162-166 J. Mol. Liq. 251, pp. 92-93 (Short Communication)
8 W. Tomczyk
Comment on the published article "Dichroic ratio and order parameters of some sudan dyes doped in nematic liquid crystalline matrix" by A. Maleki et al., Optik, 126 (2015) 5473-5477 Optik 141, p. 146 (Short Note)
7 W. Tomczyk
Comments on the published article "The effect of optical purity on the coexistence phenomenon and on the polarization - electric field hysteresis behavior in SmC* and SmC*A phases" by M. Chemingui et al., Journal of Molecular Liquids, 222 (2016) 1101-1108 J. Mol. Liq. 234, pp. 353-354 (Short Communication)
6 W. Tomczyk
Comments on the published article "Dielectric anisotropy, refractive indices and order parameter of W-1680 nematic liquid crystal" by M. S. Zakerhamidi et al., Journal of Molecular Liquids, 181 (2013) 77-81 J. Mol. Liq. 230, pp. 59-60 (Short Communication)
5 W. Tomczyk, M. Marzec, E. Juszyńska-Gałązka, D. Węgłowska
Mesomorphic and physicochemical properties of liquid crystal mixture composed of chiral molecules with perfluorinated terminal chains4 W. Tomczyk, G. Pająk, L. Longa
Twist-bend nematic phases of bent-shaped biaxial molecules Soft Matter 12, pp. 7445-7452 (Communication)
3 W. Tomczyk
Do not let the dead bite! Different Scenarios of the Zombie Epidemic Reexamined 2 E. Juszyńska-Gałązka, M. Gałązka, M. Massalska-Arodź, A. Bąk,
K. Chłędowska, W. Tomczyk
Phase Behaviour and Dynamics of the Liquid Crystal 4'-butyl-4-(2-methylbutoxy)azoxybenzene (4ABO5*)K. Chłędowska, W. Tomczyk
1 W. Tomczyk, M. Marzec, E. Juszyńska, R. Dąrowski, D. Ziobro, S. Wróbel,
M. Massalska-Arodź
Studies of New Antiferroelectric Liquid Crystal Based on Quantum-Chemical ModelM. Massalska-Arodź