Currently I am working on a project revolving around the analysis of EEG data.
Additionaly I am engaged in the studies devoted to spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking in liquid crystalline systems of achiral bent-core molecules, which aim is to investigate the nature of heliconical (twist-bend) nematic phase (NTB) of nanoscale pitch. My research focuses on chiral, biaxial and polar order in microscopic and phenomenological models of bent-core liquid crystals in the mean field approximation.
Recent research

Piotr Kubala, Wojciech Tomczyk and Michał Cieśla
The Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 367, 120156
DOI: 10.1016/j.molliq.2022.120156

Lech Longa and Wojciech Tomczyk
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 22761
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c05711

Wojciech Tomczyk and Lech Longa
Soft Matter (Communication), 2020, 16, 4350
DOI: 10.1039/D0SM00078G

Lech Longa and Wojciech Tomczyk
Liquid Crystals (Invited article), 2018, 45, 2074
DOI: 10.1080/02678292.2018.1499148
Wojciech Tomczyk, Grzegorz Pająk, and Lech Longa
Soft Matter (Communication), 2016, 12, 7445
DOI: 10.1039/C6SM01197G ArΧiv: 1606.00633
"The role of chirality and flexopolarization in the stability of twist-bend nematic and cholesteric phases"
Multiscale Phenomena in Condensed Matter – Multis2022,
27-30 June 2022, on-line
"The role of chirality and flexopolarization in the stability of twist-bend nematic and cholesteric phases"
XXII Conference on Liquid Crystals: Chemistry, Physics and Applications CLC2018, 17-21 September 2018, Jastrzębia Góra (PL)
"Twist-bend nematic phase under the influence of an external electric field:
a mean-field approach"
XXI Conference on Liquid Crystals: Chemistry, Physics and Applications CLC2016, 18-23 September 2016, Krynica Zdrój (PL)
"Interplay between arm biaxiality and bend angle of bent-shaped molecules forming twist-bend nematic phase"
Twist-bend nematics and beyond, 7-8 April 2016, Southampton (UK)
"Model średniopolowy dla fazy nematycznej twist-bend zbudowanej z molekuł ze zgiętym rdzeniem i dwuosiowymi ramionami"
Sympozjum doktoranckie Konsorcjum Warszawa-Fizyka-Kraków, 4-5 March 2016, Kraków (PL)
"Stability of nematic twist-bend phase formed by bent-core molecules with biaxial arms"
The 13th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, 7-11 September 2015, Manchester (UK)
"Twist-bend nematic phase in the presence of molecular chirality"
RSC Twitter Poster Conference 2019, 5-6 march 2019
"Hairpin or boomerang? The influence of the molecules shape on the formation of twist-bend nematic phase"
RSC Twitter Poster Conference 2018, 6-7 march 2018
"How does the molecular structure of the bent-core molecules affects the occurrence of twist-bend nematic phase?: a mean-field study"
Multiscale phenomena in molecular matter, 3-6 July 2017, Kraków (PL)
"Bent-core molecules with biaxial arms forming nematic twist-bend phase: a generalised Maier-Saupe theory"
28th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics: Thermodynamics in a Nanoscale, 14-17 September 2015, Kraków (PL)
Invited seminar talks:
"Modulowane fazy nematyczne"
Seminar of Soft Matter Research Department (The Henryk Niewodniczański Institute of Nuclear Physics Polish Academy of Sciences),
22 January 2019, Kraków (PL)
"Waściwości optyczne modulowanych faz nematycznych: twist-bend i cholesterycznej"
Seminar of Photonics Department (Jagiellonian University),
30 January 2017, Kraków (PL)

- Grant manager

PL: Komputerowe modelowanie materii miękkiej
- Subcontractor

- Grant manager

PL: Badanie mechanizmów spontanicznego łamania symetrii chiralnej w materiałach ciekłokrystalicznych
- Subcontractor