Sunday, September 26
Monday, September 27
900-915 Opening
915-1000 V. Girko Theory of Stochastic canonical equations and its application in physics
1000-1045 M. Bożejko Generalized Gaussian processes,random matrices and BMV(Bessis-Moussa-Villani) conjecture
1045-1115 Coffee Break
1115-1200 E. Kanzieper Universal quantum transport in chaotic cavities and Painleve transcendents
1200-1245 T. Seligman Random matrix theory of decoherence
1245-1330 S. Drożdż Asymmetric Random Matrices: what do we need them for?
1330-1515 Lunch Break
1515-1600 G. Livan Eigenvalues and Singular Values of Products of Rectangular Gaussian Random Matrices
1600-1645 K. Życzkowski Random quantum states, products of Ginibre matrices and Fuss-Catalan distributions
1645-1715 Coffee Break
1715-1800 M. Howard Lee 3-cycles in the logistic map and Sharkovskii theorem
1800-1845 G. Vattay Complex Geography of the Internet Network
1900 Get-together party
Tuesday, September 28
900-945 J. Silverstein Estimating Population Eigenvalues From Large Dimensional Sample Covariance Matrices
945-1030 B. Khoruzhenko How many eigenvalues of a truncated orthogonal matrix are real?
1030-1100 Coffee Break
1100-1145 Poster Session
1145-1230 G. Akemann Universality in Non-Hermitian Random Matrix Theory
1230-1315 T. Guhr Doorway States Coupled to a Background: Fidelity and Survival Probability
1315 Lunch Break
1900-2200 Conference dinner
Wednesday, September 29
900-945 P. Śniady Representations of Lie groups and random matrix
945-1030 R. Metzler Aging correlation functions: theory and experiment
1030-1115 Coffee Break
1115-1200 J. Ambjorn A new scaling limit for matrix models
1200-1245 P. Vivo Phase transitions in the quantum conductance problem
1245-1400 Visit to the University Museum
1400-1545 Lunch Break
1545-1630 S. Majumdar Distribution of Bipartite Entanglement of a Random Pure State
1630-1715 B. Wacław Random matrices in biological evolution
1715-1745 Coffee Break
1745-1830 A. L. Moustakas Living at the Edge: A Large Deviations Approach to the Outage MIMO Capacity
1830-1915 M. A. Nowak Random crowds: diffusion of large matrices
invited speakers
talks & posters
location & lodging
important !