61. Cracow School of Theoretical Physics


  1. Rolf ENT mail (JLAB)
    The quest to understand the fundamental structure of nuclear matter
    – outlook to an Electron-Ion Collider
  2. Andreas van HAMEREN mail (Nuclear Physics Inst., Krakow)
    Parton-level Monte Carlo for EIC
  3. Xiangdong JI mail (Maryland)
    Large momentum effective theory for partons
  4. Yizhuang LIU mail (Jagiellonian University)
    Transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions from large momentum effective theory
  5. Paul NEWMAN mail (Birmingham)
    Diffractive lepton-hadron scattering
  6. Kostas ORGINOS mail (William&Mary)
    Hadronic Structure from Lattice QCD
  7. Marco RADICI mail (INFN Pavia)
    Phenomenology of hadron spin structure with (polarized) TMDs
  8. Caroline RIEDL mail (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
    Spin in deep inelastic scattering, Drell Yan and proton-proton collisions
  9. Felix RINGER mail (YITP, Stony Brook)
    Jet physics at the EIC
  10. Edward SHURYAK mail (Stony Brook)
    Instanton effects in hadronic structure, at rest and on the light front
  11. Anna STAŚTO mail (PennState)
    Physics possibilities at future DIS facilities
  12. Raju VENUGOPALAN mail (Brookhaven)
    Classical lumps and their quantum descendents in the Regge limit of QCD
  13. Katarzyna WICHMANN mail (DESY)
    What do we learn about QCD and proton structure from HERA data?
  14. Ismail ZAHED mail (Stony Brook)
    On the origin of hadronic mass and spin


  1. Armando BERMUDEZ MARTINEZ mail (DESY)
    Application of TMDs and TMD parton showers to multi-jet production
  2. Francesco CELIBERTO mail (ECT*/FBK Trento & INFN-TIFPA)
    Studies of the hadronic structure via gluon distributions at the EIC
  3. Arpan DAS mail (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS, Kraków)
    Quantum fluctuation of energy and its pseudo-gauge dependence in subsystems of hot relativistic gas
  4. Haowu DUAN mail (North Carolina State University)
    Quantum entanglement within color glass condensate framework
  5. Shahriyar JAFARZADE mail (Jan Kochanowski University of Kielce)
    Phenomenology of the tensor mesons
  6. Narinder KUMAR mail (Doaba College Jalandhar, India)
    T-odd GTMDs in light-front quark-diquark model
  7. Barbara LINEK mail (University of Rzeszów)
    Production of dileptons via photon-photon fusion in proton-proton collisions with one forward proton measurement at the LHC
  8. Victor MARTINEZ FERNANDEZ mail (National Centre for Nuclear Research, Warszawa)
    NLO corrections to DDVCS, DVCS and TCS processes
  9. Yair MULIAN mail (Jyvaskyla University)
    Next-to-leading order diffractive dijet production in DIS
  10. Jae NAM mail (Temple University)
    Charm production in charged current deep inelastic scattering
  11. Anton SAFRONOV mail (Warsaw University of Technology)
    Inclusion of pA collisions in MadGraph5 using nPDF computation at NLO
  12. Rajeev SINGH mail (Institute of Nuclear Physics PAS, Kraków)
    Lambda hyperon spin polarization evolution using spin hydro
  13. Sara TAHERI MONFARED mail (DESY)
    TMD Phenomenology
  14. Yossathorn TAWABUTR mail (Ohio State University)
    Helicity evolution at small x: the single-logarithmic contribution