Cracow School of Theoretical Physics, LII Course, 2012
Note that this is an advanced school.
Applicants are expected to work or study in the field of theoretical
or experimental particle and high energy physics and/or astrophysics.
Students wishing to attend the School are kindly requested to contact organizers by e-mail. They should also provide a recommendation letter by a senior scientist from their institution, preferably by fax (++48 12 633 40 79), and a publication list (if applicable).
Deadline for applications: April 8, 2012
Note that not all applicants will be guaranteed to participate. Final decision will be announced at the and of April. Successful applicants will be asked to register starting from April 17, 2012.
Students are encouraged to present short (20 min.) talks on their work. If you wish to give a talk, please send us a short abstract and (if possible) references of published papers on which your talk will be based. Student's presentations are linked to the School www page, but are usually not included in the proceedings.
The cost of the School is PLN 1700 (i.e. an equivalent of Euro 390 depending on the rate of exchange), including board and lodging based on double room accommodation with another participant (total cost PLN 1100) and the conference fee of 600 PLN covering participation in all School events, coffee breaks, conference bus from/to Krakow, a copy of the proceedings. In exceptional cases conference fee may be reduced to 200 PLN
There is an additional fee of Euro 75
for single room accommodation. Due to the limited number
of single rooms participants requesting single room accommodation may have
to stay in some other hotel within 10 min. walk
from the conference site.
Accompanying person: PLN 1100 (Euro 250).
For some non-EU citizens an entry Polish visa is required.
In that case a letter stating that
the student's home institution will cover the costs of the School
is required, before the official invitation
letter will be sent to the applicant.
After receiving the official invitation letter please contact the nearest Polish Consulate.