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Epistemological obstacles discussed above, along with the presented methods of overcoming them are of the utmost importance in the process of physics teaching. They are vital both for teaching organization, that is curriculum designing (what, when, to what extent, in what sequence), as well as for such activities as experimenting with students, problem solving, preparing tests.

Cognitive obstacles manifest themselves while teaching specific areas or even concepts of physics. They can be seen through false ideas and epistemological traps. One of such pitfalls is for instance early understanding of the idea of arithmetic mean, which becomes an obstacle while trying to understand the concept of velocity. Another obstacle may be the common understanding of the word "power".

Identifying obstacles mentioned in this article makes it possible to pinpoint a priori e.g. erroneous curricula, textbooks that do not correspond to students mental age, poorly selected problems, or ill-timed experiments.

Identifying the obstacles is not equivalent to providing a recipe for good teaching; nevertheless, it constitutes the necessary condition.


The author thanks to organizers of the Hefei Conference for the perfect organization of the very interesting conference for chance the meeting chinese physicist, for their hospitality.


[1] Gaston Bachelard, La formation de l'esprit scientifique, Libraire Philosophique J.Vrin, Paris 1938

[2] Jean Piaget, Psychology and Epistemology, London: Penguin 1972

J.Piaget, B.Inhelder, The Growth of Logical Thinking from Childhood to Adolescence, NY Basic Book 1958 (original from 1955)

[3] Z.Goł±b-Meyer, Epistemological Obstacles in Learning and Teaching Physics, TPJU-16/96, Cracow 1996

[4] Z.Goł±b-Meyer, Cosmology in Propedeutic Courses of Science, COSMOS - an Educational Challenge, GIREP 1986

[5] Z.Goł±b-Meyer, GIREP 1996, Ljubljana, edted by S.Oblak, M.Hrikar, K.Luchner

[6] Children Ideas in Science, edited by R.Driver, E.Guesne, A.Tiberghien, Milton Keynes-Philadelphia, Open University Press, 1985

[7] Z.Goł±b-Meyer, Comments on teaching quantum physics in a secondary school, Proceedings of the International Conference on Physics Education, Raczkowa Dolina, Edited by H.Nogova and J.Pisut, 1984

[8] K.Boecke, The Universe in 40 Jumps, The John Day Company, NY 1997 (4 th edition)

video-film The films of Charles & Ray EAMES, Volume 1 - powers of ten

[9] Jon Ogborn, Energy, change, difference and danger, Proceedings of GIREP, ENERGY-RISK Conference, Hungary 1989, Edited by G.Marx

R.Boohan, J.Ogborn, Energy and Change, wyd. ASE 1996

R.Boohan, Energy and Change: Classroom Resources, wyd. IE, London 1996 (polskie t?lumaczenie Foton 51, 1997, str.14)

[10] Ein moderner Physikkurs fuer Anfaenger und seine Begruendung, Herausgeber G.Falk, F.Herrmann, in Konzepte eines zeitgemaessen Physikunterrichts, Schroedel, 1979

[11] Z.Goł±b-Meyer, Marian Smoluchowski and the Teaching of Physics, Proc. of Europhysics Study Conference, Altmünster 1989, World Scientific, Edited by Kühnelt 1990

[12] L.S.Vygotsky, Thought and Language, Cambridge MA: MIT Press

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Krzysztof Malarz