

Contact the organizers: zfs@th.if.uj.edu.pl

European Science Foundation

Jagiellonian University

Marian Smoluchowski Institute of Physics

Kraków, Poland

Mark Kac Center

Mark Kac Complex System Research Center
Kraków, Poland
Polish Academy of Sciences

Institute of Physical Chemistry

Warszawa, Poland
University of Silesia

The A. Chełkowski Institute of Physics
Department of Theoretical Physics

Katowice, Poland
Silesian University of Technology

Dept. of Physical Chemistry and Technology of Polymers,
Faculty of Chemistry

Gliwice, Poland
Wrocław University of Technology

Institute of Physics

Wrocław, Poland

In 2012 the conference is organized and promoted with the assistance of the Division of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (SNP), a part of the European Physical Society (EPS)

Scientific Committee
Juan M. R. Parrondo (Madrid, Spain) Chair
Andrzej Fuliński (Kraków, Poland) Honorary Chair
Anna Carbone (Torino, Italy)
Stepfan Fauve (Paris, France)
Jerzy Łuczka (Katowice, Poland)
Peter Talkner (Augsburg, Germany)
Margarida Telo da Gama (Lisbon, Portugal)
Ewa Gudowska-Nowak (Kraków, Poland) Conference Convenor

Local Organizing Committee:
Paweł F. Góra (Kraków, Poland)
Zbigniew Grzywna (Gliwice, Poland)
Ewa Gudowska-Nowak (Kraków, Poland)
Rober Hołyst (Warszawa, Poland)
Lech Longa (Kraków, Poland)
Jerzy Łuczka (Katowice, Poland)
Karina Weron (Wrocław, Poland)
Conference Office: Magdalena Jurczyk, Katarzyna Oles, Bartek Lisowski, Michal Ciesla, Michal Zabicki

Ttitles and Abstracts
Location & lodging