Random packings - from fundamentals to applications

We offer:

  1. -interesting and inspiring interdisciplinary tasks;

  2. -possibility of publication in reputable international scientific journals;

  3. -participation in international conferences;

- a net 3000 PLN per month during two years (approximately 700 EUR, or average net salary in Poland, corresponding to a decent standard of living in Poland), financed from the NCN Opus 12 project no. 2016/23/B/ST3/01145, as an addition to the standard PhD scholarship (approximately net 2000 PLN).


  1. -Master’s degree in physics, mathematics, theoretical chemistry, bioinformatics, computer science, or related disciplines;

  2. -knowledge of programming (C/C++, Java, ...) and programming tools (debugger, profiler, ...);

  3. -analytical skills, basic knowledge of statistics;

- motivation for scientific work;

- knowledge of the English language.

Click to download brief description of the project

The aim of this project is to study properties of random packings. The study will be based mainly on numerical simulations. The main problem is to develop or improve algorithms to generate saturated random packings of different shapes. It requires spatial imagination for determining whether two shapes intersect as well as algorithmic skills to effectively implement and optimise computer code. The knowledge of parallel programming techniques (OpenMP, CUDA, OpenCL) will be an asset.

Properties of obtained packings are studied using statistical methods.

Results will be presented in form of publications and during international conferences. Therefore the knowledge of the English language is essential.

More information:

Michał Cieśla (,

Faculty of Physics, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science of the Jagiellonian University, Statistical Physics Department,

room D-2-47,

tel. (+48) 12 664 46 81.