Travel hints


You will be lodged in the University Guest House at 7a Garbarska Street (Bursa Pigonia) tel. +48 12 422-30-08. The location is marked on the attached map (jpg-format) by the upper left red circle. Garbarska Street is only two bus stops away from the Main Train Station. It is in a walking distance from the the Main Market Square and the Collegium Maius (black circle).

Exchange rates

Approximately :
1 USD = 2.61 zl
1 Euro = 3.71 zl.

In addition to the regular banks there are many exchange offices called "Kantor" (some of them open also on Sundays), where you can exchange money. Major credit cards are commonly accepted in most restaurants and gift shops; travellers cheques and Eurocheques can be cashed in the PKO Bank (Eu-cheques also at some major Post Offices). You may have problems, however, to cash cheques on weekends, when the banks are closed. ATM cash machines are widely available.

Exchange rates at the airport and at the railway station are slightly worse than in the downtown, so do not not change there more than needed. You will find numerous exchange-offices in the center.

Emergency phone

In case of emergency please call one of the organisers (mobile-phone): Piotr Bia³as +48 663 379 977, Zdzis³aw Burda: +48 606 784 028 (inside Poland).


You cannot see the hotel (University Guesthouse) at Garbarska 7a from the street since it is located in the courtyard behind the first row of houses.

To get to the hotel from the street you have to "tunnel" through a narrow passage. It is a bit challenging if you come by car. The only sign seen from the street indicating the presence of the University hotel is a hanging blue signboard on which it is written: Hotel Profesorski.

If you go from the direction of Karmelicka street the hotel is on the left hand side.

If you come by plane

Take a bus 192 or a taxi (40-60 zl) at the airport. The last bus departs at 23.35. If you take a taxi ask for the price before you enter it. We advice to use only the registered taxi companies (Radio Taxi e.g. 9191) and to ask for the receipt.

You can buy a ticket (2.50 zl) for the bus (MPK) at a kiosk or from the bus driver (3 zl but you have to have an exact change).

It takes roughly 30 mins. to get to the city center by bus. You have to get out at the stop Teatr Bagatela. You can identify this stop without a map in the following way. On the way the bus makes only two turns by 90 degrees left: one is close to the airport, the other is in the city center. You will have to get out on the first stop after this second turn.

The distance from the bus stop to the hotel is roughly 300 m. Cross the street, go to Karmelicka street which is on the right hand side of a bill-board. Continue along Karmelicka street for roughly 150 m, then turn right (at a church) to the first street which is Garbarska street, go for 150 m and you should notice a small blue sign Hotel Profesorski on the left side of the street.

There is also a regular train from the airport to the central railway station which is located in the city center (see below).

If you come by train

You can take a taxi (10-20 zl), bus or tram. The hotel is roughly 1.5 km from the railway station. If you take a taxi ask for the price before you enter it. We advice to use only the registered taxi companies (Radio Taxi e.g. 9191) and to ask for the receipt.

There are plenty of buses or streetcars on this stop. You can take a bus 192, 152, 124 or a tram 4 and get out on the second stop which is called Teatr Bagatela.

You can buy a ticket for bus (MPK); it costs 2.50 zl in a kiosk (there is one in front of the stop) or from the driver (3 zl but in this case you have to have change)

When you get out of the bus go a couple of meters ahead to the nearest crossroad and turn right to Karmelicka street. Continue along Karmelicka street for roughly 150 m, then turn right (at a church) to the first street which is the Garbarska street, go for 150 m and you should notice on the left street side a small blue sign Hotel Profesorski.

If you come by car

Garbarska street is a one-way street. You can reach it only from the direction of Lobzowska street from which you have to turn right and go for less than 30 m. When you see a signboard Hotel Profesorski slow down and enter carefully the passage. Notify by microphone the guardian who will open the gate.