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Ulrich Behn, University of Lepizig 
Randomly Evolving Idiotypic Networks

Piotr Bialas, Jagellonian University 
Connected random Graphs

Ginestra Bianconi, ICTP Trieste 
The entropy of randomized network ensembles

Philippe Blanchard, University of Bielefeld  
Random graphs, Markov processes and spectral graph theory: A way of looking at complex networks

Francois David, CEA, Saclay 
RNA folding and tree growth models

Sergei N. Dorogovtsev, University of Aveiro 
Transition from a small to a big world in networks

Bergfinnur Durhuus, University of Copenhagen 
Spectral dimension of generic random trees

Bartlomiej Dybiec, Jagellonian University, Krakow
Epidemics spread in systems with quenched and random interactions

Christian von Ferber, Coventry University  
Attack vulnerability of public transport networks: Measures and Models

Santo Fortunato, Complex Networks Lagrange Laboratory, Torino 
Detecting community structure in complex networks

Agata Fronczak, Warsaw University of Technology 
Biased random walks on complex networks: the role of local navigation rules

Yuri Holovatch, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Lviv
Modeling Metropolis Public Transport

Janusz A. Holyst, Warsaw University of Technology 
Self-organized criticality and coevolution of network structure and dynamics

Wolfhard Janke, University of Leipzig 
Spin Clusters and Loop Gases on Random

Thordur Jonsson, Science Institute, University of Iceland 
The spectral dimension of random brushes

Janos Kertesz, Budapest University of Technology and Economics 
Analyzing and modeling large social networks

Konstantin Klemm, University of Leipzig 
The structure of cycle spaces

Balazs Kozma, LPT Orsay, University Paris XI 
The effect of adaptive network topology on some social models

Krzysztof Kulakowski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow 
Magnetism of clustered random networks

Michael Lässig, University of Köln 
From biophysics to evolutionary biology: Statistical aspects of gene regulatory networks.

Yuri Makeenko, ITEP, Moscow 
30 years of solving matrix models

Krzysztof Malarz, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow 
The Sznajd dynamics in a social network

Olivier C. Martin, LPTMS Orsay, University Paris XI 
Random energy landscapes: from counting minima to connecting them topologically into a network

Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns, Jacobs University Bremen 
Mapping Social Networks to Satisfyability Problems of Computer Science

Geoff J. Rodgers, Brunel University, London 
Spin Glasses and Eigenvalue Spectra on Complex Networks

Bosiljka Tadic, Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana 
Robust dynamical effects in dissipative chaotic maps on networks

Stefan Thurner, HNO, AKH Wien, University of Vienna 
A solvable spin model on dynamical networks

Igor Sokolov, Humboldt University, Berlin 
Percolation in strongly clustered networks

Bartlomiej Waclaw, University of Leipzig 
Balls-in-boxes models on networks

Martin Weigel, Heriot-Watt University Edinburgh 
Frustration effects in antiferromagnets on planar random graphs