Effective QCD - lectures

  1. 02.10.2017. Introduction, Abelian and non-Abelian gauge theories, QCD, chirality and helicity.
  2. 03.19.2017. Global symmetries, Wigner-Weyl and Nambu-Goldstone realizations, simple complex scalar field model, Noether theorem for classical fields.
  3. 10.10.2017. QFT - short remeinder, Noether theorem for quantum fields, charges and their commutation rules, charges as generators SU_L(3)xSU_R(3)xU_V(1) symmetry.
  4. 16.10.2017. Green functions, their relations to the scattering matrix, and example of axial Ward identity.
  5. 23.10.2017. Commutator of axial current and axial density, condensates, explicit breaking of chiral symmetry.
  6. 30.10.2017. Spectral representation of scalar propagator, Goldstone bosons, group properties of broken symmetry, cosets.
  7. 06.11.2017. Non-linear representation for Goldstone bosons, lowest order effective lagrangian.
  8. 13.11.2017. Weinberg power counting, Green functions from sources added to the QCD partition function.
  9. 20.11.2017. Coupling of gauge fileds, scattering amplitudes, pion decay.
  10. 27.11.2017. LSZ reduction formula, application to the effective theory.