StatAnal-Lecture-1 ====================================== I. Answer questions: 1 (slide 9), 2 (slide 11) ----------------------------------- II. Programming exercise ========================= 1) Generate Binomial distribution with parameters as on slide 15. 2) Draw histograms 3) Confirm the respective fractions within +-1 sigma 4) Show that high stat. limit of Binomial distribution is Gaussian with sigma^2 = n p (1-p) ----------------------------------- III. Programming exercise ========================== 1) Generate Poissonian distribution with parameters as on slide 23. 2) Draw histograms 3) Show that high stat. limit of Poissonian distribution is Gaussian with sigma^2 = n p ----------------------------------- IV. Do you know the answer to question on slide 18? ----------------------------------- Attach scanned/printed version of solutions (calculations, histograms, etc) to PEGAZ system.