1) Breit-Wigner resonance propagator: Write down and explain the formula that models it. 2) Draw the distribution of ee->Z->ff cross-section as a function of invariant mass of fermion pairs. Explain characteristic shapes in different regions, which processes dominate there, draw corresponding Feynman diagrams. 3) Measurements of Z resonance line shape of LEP. What are the characteristic quantities which were measured. Write down few master formulas, explain the strategy of the measurement, explain the impact of QED radiation, draw illustrative plot comparing uncorrected and correct measurement. 4) Measurement of number of neutrino generations at LEP Explain strategy of the measurement, write down few master formulas, draw illustrative plot comparing predicted line-shape for different N_nu. 5) Measurement of forward-backward asymmetry and weak mixing angle at LEP Explain strategy of the measurement, write down few master formulas, draw illustrative plot comparing on-peak and off-peak A_FB, explain where from this difference. How one infer weak mixing angle from this measurement. 6) Measurement of WW cross-section, MW and GamW at LEP Explain the measurements, draw corresponding Feynman diagrams and illustrative plots. 7) Precision tests of the Standard Model: predicting mtop, mH Explain how the difference of measured and predicted value of mW lead to constraints on the mass of the top quark and mass of the Higgs boson via the virtual loop corrections. Draw corresponding Feynman diagrams.