List of Publications
- Former publications (selected)
- A.F.
& M. Sukiennik „Some theorems
concerning the thermodynamics of irreversible
processes”, Acta Phys.Polon.
29, 335 (1966)
- A.F. „On the "memory" properties of generalized
master equations”, Physics
Letters 24A, 63 (1967)
- A.F. „Master
equations without
time convolution”, Physics
Letters 25A, 13 (1967)
- A.F.
& W. J. Kramarczyk, „On the exact master equations”, Physica 39, 575 (1967)
- A.F.
& C. Jędrzejek,” Chain approximations
in the perturbation theory of liquids”, Physica 78,
173 (1974)
- A.F. „On the construction of different
forms of exact and asymptotic master equations”,
Physica 92A, 198 (1978)
- A.F.
& A.Kleczkowski, „Nonlinear
maps with memory”, Physica Scripta 35, 119 (1987)
- A.F.
& P. F. Góra „On the direction
of arrow of time in irreversible quantum systems”, Acta Phys.Polon. A75, 573 (1989)
- A.F.
& T.Telejko, „On the
effect of interference
of additive and multiplicative
noises”, Phys.Letters
A 152, 11 (1990)
- A.F.
& E. Gudowska-Nowak, „Statistical
properties of a dynamic
process perturbed by
a chaos generator” Acta Phys.Polon. B 22,
457 (1991)
- A.F.
& L. Kozarzewski, „Chaos and inertial effects in an anharmonic oscillator and Josephson junction”, Chaos,
Solitons and Fractals,
2, 175 (1992)
- A.F. „Changes in transition rates due to barrier fluctuations: the case of dichotomic noise” Phys. Letters A 180 94 (1993).
- A.F.
& P. F. Góra, „Transport of a quantum particle
in a dimer under the
influence of two correlated
dichotomic colored noises” Phys.Rev.
E 48, 3510 1993)
- A.F.”Noise-stimulated active
transport in biological
cell membran es”, Phys.
Letters A 193, 267 (1994).
- A.F.”Non-Markovian noise”, Phys. Rev. E 50,
2668 (1994).
- A.F. „Relaxation, noise-induced transitions, and stochastic
resonance driven by non-Markovian dichotomic noise”, Phys. Rev. E 52, 4523 (1995).
- A.F. „Noisy chemical equilibria
and flow reactor's field”,
J. Chem. Phys. 114
, 3109 (2001)
- A.F. „Transitions through Fluctuating Barrier: Role
of Asymmetry and of Memory”
J. Chem. Phys. 107,
4225 (1997).
- A.F. „Active Transport in Biological Membranes and Stochastic Resonances”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 4926 (1997).
- A.F. „Barrier Fluctuations and Stochastic Resonance in Membrane Transport”, CHAOS
8, 549 (1998).
- A.F. „On
Marian Smoluchowski's Life and Contribution to Physics”, Acta
Phys. Polon. B 29, 1523 (1998).
- Recent publications
- A.F., Z. Grzywna, I. Mellor,
Z. Siwy, & P. Usherwood „Non-Markovian Character of Ionic Current Fluctuations in Membrane Channels” Phys. Rev. E 58,
919 (1998).
- A.F.
& P. F. Góra Universal
character of stochastic
resonance and a constructive
role of white noise, J. Stat. Phys. 101, 483 (2000)
- A.F.
& P. F. Góra „Constructive role of noise in signal transmissions by biomembrane
proteins”, Phys. Rev. E 64 , 011905 (2001)
- Z. Siwy & A.F. „Origin of 1/f noise in membrane channel currents”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 158101 (2002)
- Z. Siwy & A.F. „Fabrication of a synthetic nanopore ion pump”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 89 , 198103 (2002)
- Z. Siwy & A.F. „1/f noise in ion transport through nanopores: origins and mechanism”, in Unsolved Problems
of Noise and Fluctuations
(Proc. 3-rd Int. Conf.
UPoN, Bethesda 2002), (S. M. Bezrukov, Ed.), Melville, N.Y. 2003, pp. 273-282
- Z. Siwy & A.F. „Is diffusional model good enough for a nanoscale channel?” Phys.
Rev. Lett. 91 ,
179802 (2003)
- Z. Siwy & A.F. „A nanodevice for rectification
and pumping ions”,
Am. J. Phys. 72 (5), 567 (2004)
- A.F., I. D. Kosińska, & Z. Siwy „On the
validity od continuous
modelling of ion
transport through nanochannels”,
Europhys. Lett. 67
, 683 (2004)
- Z. Siwy, I.
D. Kosińska, A.F., & C.
R. Martin „Asymmetric diffusion through synthetic nanopores”Phys.
Rev. Lett. 94 ,
048102 (2005)
- A.F., I. D. Kosińska, & Z. Siwy „Transport
properties of nano-pores
in electrolyte solutions: the diffusional model and surface
currents”, New J. Phys.
7 , 132 (2005)
- I. D.Kosińska &
A.F. „Asymmetric nanodiffusion”,
Phys. Rev. E 72
, 011201 (2005)
- I. D.Kosińska &
A.F. „Background processes
and the generation of
the flicker noise in nanochannel transport”, in
Unsolved Problems
of Noise and Fluctuations:
UPoN 2005 edited
by L.Reggiani, C.Pennetta,
V.Akimov, E. Alfinito,
and M.Rosini, AIP CP800 , pp. 287-292
- I. D.Kosińska &
A.F. „Brownian Dynamics Simulations
of Single-File Motion through
Nanochannels”, Acta Phys.
Polon. B 37 , 1745 (2006);
- I. D.Kosińska &
A.F. „Asymmetries and Anomalous
Phenomena in Ionic Transport through Nanochannels”, Acta Phys.
Polon. B 38 , 1631 (2007);
- I. D.Kosińska &
A.F. „Brownian dynamics
simulations of flicker
noise in nanochannels currents” Europhys. Lett. 81 ,
50006-p1-6 (2008);
- D.
Makowiec, & A.F. „Multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis as the estymator
of long-range dependende”,
Acta Phys.
Polon. B 41, 1025 (2010);
- A.F. „Anomalous diffusion and weak nonergodicity”, Phys. Rev. E
83, 061140 (2011);
- A.F. „How to generale and measure
anomalous diffusion in simple systems”, J. Chem. Phys. 138,
021101 (2013);
- A.F. „ Anomalous weakly nonergodic Brownian motions in non uniform temperatures” (to
be publ.)