B. Andersson | (Lund) | The fragmentation process in a general (multi-gluon) string field |
P. Bialas | (Cracow/Bielefeld) | Deconfiment and percolation in SU(2) gauge theory |
J. Bluemlein | (DESY) | The QCD structure of the non--forward Compton amplitude |
K. Golec-Biernat | (Krakow) | Transition to saturation in DIS at small x |
G. Gustafson | (Lund) | Transverse energy and minijets in high energy collisions |
P. Hoyer | (Helsinki) | Soft perturbative QCD |
J. Knoll | (GSI) | Soft modes and resonance transport |
P.V. Landshoff | (Cambridge) | The challenge of small x |
Yu. Makeenko | (ITEP) | Progress in multicolor QCD |
L. Mankiewicz | (Warsaw) | Conformal symmetry and evolution of QCD string operators |
W. Ochs | (Munich) | Soft colour neutralization in multiparticle production |
S. Olejnik | (Bratislava) | On the role of center vortices in the confinement mechanism |
R. Peschanski | (Saclay) | From "hard" to "soft" using the AdS/CFT correspondence |
B. Petersson | (Bielefeld) | High temperature gauge theories and dimensional reduction |
M.V. Polyakov | (Bochum) | Chiral dynamics in hard proceses. |
H. Weigert | (Copenhagen) | Unitarity at small x |
Last update 25/4/2000