Cracow Workshop


April 29 - May 3, 2000

Preliminary list of speakers (see also the program)
B. Andersson (Lund) The fragmentation process in a general (multi-gluon) string field
P. Bialas (Cracow/Bielefeld) Deconfiment and percolation in SU(2) gauge theory
J. Bluemlein (DESY) The QCD structure of the non--forward Compton amplitude
K. Golec-Biernat (Krakow) Transition to saturation in DIS at small x
G. Gustafson (Lund) Transverse energy and minijets in high energy collisions
P. Hoyer (Helsinki) Soft perturbative QCD
J. Knoll (GSI) Soft modes and resonance transport
P.V. Landshoff (Cambridge) The challenge of small x
Yu. Makeenko (ITEP) Progress in multicolor QCD
L. Mankiewicz (Warsaw) Conformal symmetry and evolution of QCD string operators
W. Ochs (Munich) Soft colour neutralization in multiparticle production
S. Olejnik (Bratislava) On the role of center vortices in the confinement mechanism
R. Peschanski (Saclay) From "hard" to "soft" using the AdS/CFT correspondence
B. Petersson (Bielefeld) High temperature gauge theories and dimensional reduction
M.V. Polyakov (Bochum) Chiral dynamics in hard proceses.
H. Weigert (Copenhagen) Unitarity at small x
(*) - to be confirmed

Last update 25/4/2000