42 Cracow School of Theoretical Physics
Zakopane, May 31 – June 9, 2000
Scientific Program

                            Saturday, June 1, 2002

Current problems in neutrino physics Fermion generations and mixing from the dualized standard model Quark masses and mixings                 cont. Dipole moments and CP violation
Sunday, June 2, 2002 Current problems in neutrino physics Fermion generations and mixing from the dualized standard model Current status of rare B decays Dipole moments and CP violation

Current status of rare B decays

                           Monday, June 3, 2002 Fluctuations in heavy ion collisions Fermion generations and mixing from the dualized standard model CKM parameters from DeltaS=1 processes; recent progress Diffraction and leading baryons at HERA Comments on heavy ion experiments

                           Tuesday, June 4, 2002 Fluctuations in heavy ion collisions Fermion generations and mixing from the dualized standard model CKM parameters from DeltaS=1 processes; recent progress Diffraction and leading baryons at HERA

Thermal approach to RHIC

                           Thursday, June 6, 2002 CP- and CPT- Violations in K- Decays Matter at Extreme Densities and its Role in Supernova and Neutron Stars Pion Structure at High and Low Energies in Chiral Quark Models B Physics at B-factories

                           Friday, June 7, 2002 CP- and CPT- Violations in K- Decays Matter at Extreme Densities and its Role in Supernova and Neutron Stars Pion Structure at High and Low Energies in Chiral Quark Models B Physics at B-factories

                           Saturday, June 8, 2002 Matter at Extreme Densities and its Role in Supernova and Neutron Star Andreev Reflection in Superconducting QCD Lattice QCD for RHIC Experiments Lattice QCD for RHIC Experiments